
The Accreditation of Medical Program in fifteen Medical Schools

Time:2018-01-10 08:53:00     Source:     Visited:1115

In 2017according to the instruction of the Ministry of Education, the Working Committee for the Accreditation of Medical Education (WCAME) organized assessors to conduct site visit of Yangzhou University (October 15-19), Shanxi Medical University (October 15-20), Fujian Medical University (October 22-26), Dali University (October 29-November 2), Jinzhou Medical University (October 29-November 2), Taizhou University (November 5-9), Bengbu Medical College (November 5-9), Hunan Normal University (November 5-9), Hebei Medical University (November 12-16), Tongji University (November 12-16), Shandong University (November 19-23), Nanchang University (November 19-23), Jilin Medical University (November 26-30), Yangtze University (November 26-30) and Jiangsu University (November 26-30), against Standards for Basic Medical Education (for Trail Implementation).

According to the Guidelines for the Accreditation of Medical Education, all thirteen schools medical schools had conducted self-evaluation against the Standards and submitted their self-evaluation reports to the Secretariat of the WCAME and assessors t months ahead of the site visits. The assessors carefully studied the self-evaluation reports before the site visit, which enabled them to get better understanding of the actual situation of the medical schools. During the site visit, assessors interviewed the representatives of faculty, students, administrative staff, the affiliated hospitals and other stakeholders, and examined educational resources, including those available in teaching sites, to identify the strength and weakness of the school in achieving its mission and objectives against the Standards. Before leaving, the assessment team presented a preliminary report on the findings of the site visit to the medical school.

After the site visit, each assessor prepared his/her part of the accreditation report against the Standards based on the material and information collected during the site visit, and submitted it to the team chair, who completed the accreditation report within two months after the site visit. After seeking the comment of the medical schools on the factual accuracy of the report, the team chair submitted the final report and recommendations on the accreditation outcome to the WCAME for the review and the Expert Committee for the Accreditation of Medical Education for approval.

So far, WCAME has completed seventy-three accreditations of medical schools. With the guidance of the Ministry of Education, WCAME will continue improving the accreditation process, enhance the working efficiency and promote the accreditation of medical education in the future years.