
2011 Working Conference of the Working Committee for the Accreditation of Medical Education

Time:2011-04-09 14:28:00     Source:     Visited:439

On April1 2011, the annual working conference of the Working Committee for the Accreditation of Medical Education (WCAME) was successfully held in Beijing. Pengjian Shi, Deputy Director of Department of Higher Education of Ministry of Education, Qiming Wang, Director of Agricultural and Medical Education Division, and Jun Han, Director of Teaching Evaluation Division, Ping Ji, Director of Higher Education Evaluation Center and another 32 WCAME members attended the conference. Yanfei Liu, Chairman of the WCAME chaired the conference.

In the address, Deputy Director Pengjian Shi pointed out that as an important external quality assurance measure, accreditation of medical education should establish normative standards and procedures, which was also the major task of the WCAME at this stage. Besides, the Ministry of Education would provide full support to facilitate the internationalization of the accreditation of medical education.

Secretary-General Boji Cheng, on behalf of the secretariat of the WCAME, gave a detailed work report in the conference. Since its establishment in 2008, the WCAME has successfully hosted seminars, organized the accreditation of Shantou University and Central South University, as well as the revision of accreditation guidelines. In 2011, the accreditation of three medical schools i.e. Jilin University, Guangxi Medical University and China Medical University is to carry out, as well asmedical school workshops to popularize accreditation concept and experience.

Deputy Secretary-General Weimin Wang hosted the review of accreditation recommendations of Harbin Medical University, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Shantou University, and Central South University. After voting, all the WCAEC members passed the accreditation recommendations, which will be submitted to the Expert Committee for approval after the publicity.